Quito’s devil

We inhabit the characters we recreate, and through them, we reflect on who we are and what it means to be part of this city. Each character in Eternal Quito has a story because they have been created from various truths, big or small. Within each of them, there is a grandmother, a father, a love, or a pain hidden. That’s why they are so much a part of ourselves.

«To be happy means to perceive oneself without fear.» – Walter Benjamin

The Lord of Darkness, the Supay, Mandinga, or the Quito Devil. A character who speaks of the living and the dead, of what many want to silence, destroy, or hide. With irony and sensitivity, he tells us curious anecdotes.

FLÂNEUR: to wander the streets, to stroll aimlessly, without a specific destination, open to all the vicissitudes and impressions that come along the way.
B a c k T o T o p B a c k T o T o p

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